Vernet Félix
1942 - 2025
Vernet Félix
It is with deep sadness that we announce the death of Vernet Félix, retired HEC professor, on February 4, 2025 at the age of 83, after a long and courageous fight against illness.
Professor Félix left his mark on the academic and professional world. He devoted an essential part of his life to teaching accounting sciences at HEC Montréal, where his expertise, publications, integrity and passion for education inspired many students and colleagues. His brilliant career was also illustrated by his contribution as a member of the Board of Directors, thus strengthening the excellence and strategic vision of the institution. Beyond his career, Vernet Felix deeply marked those around him with his dedication, his great availability, his commitment to his community as well as the many organizations to which he devoted time and resources. These include Oratoire Franch Baptist Church, CRUDEM and GRAHN, where he was active as a founding member.
We pay tribute to an exceptional man who was able to combine intellectual rigor, humanity and commitment to the progress of higher education. His teachings and his spirit will remain forever in our memories.
He has left to join his loving wife, Marie-Edith Gautier, his daughter Chantal, his brothers Willy, Gérard, Jean-Elie and Paul. He leaves behind his daughter Katleen (Pascal Ranger), his son Éric, his grandchildren Xavier and Justin, his brothers Hénoc and Amos as well as his many cousins, nephews and nieces.
The Félix, Célestin, Ménard, Jean-François, Eustache, Antoine, Gautier families as well as the families of the town of Dondon, friends and all those who crossed his path express their deep gratitude for the legacy he left and share their sorrow in the face of this immeasurable loss.
Viewing and greetings will be held on Friday, February 21 from 2:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m.. The funeral will be held on Saturday, February 22 at 9:00.
Urgel Bourgie Beaumont Funeral Complex
1255 Beaumont, Town of Mount Royal
Québec, H3P 3J1
You are also invited to accompany loved ones to the Mount Royal Cemetery at 11:00 a.m.
In lieu of flowers, the family would appreciate a donation to the HEC Foundation in Vernet Félix's name
Here are the steps to follow for the donation:
• Web link:
• Select ‘’Don in memoriam’’ (4th option)
• Indicate the name of Vernet Felix in the box ‘’To honor the memory of’’
• Choose the ‘’Fonds des bâtisseurs’’ as allocation in the drop-down menu.
May his soul rest in peace.