1957 - 2025
My beautiful Karl passed away after many long years of suffering. We shared a Love of nature , supernatural phenomena, and reading of psalms .Karl knew every psalm by heart ; when he was no longer audible he would mouth the words as I read to him. We honoured each others opinions , views of life ,. we both enjoyed music although different genres . We are both fiercely private people ,and it took a very long (space of time to pass ),before he allowed me to speak of his illness with any person. I am deeply saddened by your passing , yet you did not deserve any of the horrific suffering you endured .here on this earthly plane. You are my family , a beautiful Angel who has returned Home . May Hashem bestow upon your soul , every Blessing of the upper realms . I Love you to beyond the stars ,
Always ,
Dear Miriam and to the rest of Karl's family
My thoughts are with you at this time.
May Gd Bless you all.
My dear father Karl Augustus Cummings is at rest. No more pain and anguish for you. Your time on earth has ended and you are now at peace. All things happen for a reason. Go with God.
It’s terrible to hear about your loss and I express my sincere sympathy to you and your family.