
1933 - 2025
Kane & Fetterly


Deja tus condolencias
Gina Peters

My condolences to the family and friends of Anatole, may he rest in peace with Tatiana.

Jeffrey Haller
Pointe Claire

We have lost a true family friend and a kind soul to us. You were like family, always there with love, laughter and support. Your memory will live in our hearts forever. Rest in peace, and thank you for being such an important part of our lives.

Helen Pentney

George , you are with Tania now. We are grateful for the time we spend in the past few years. our chatter on the state of the world, old days when generations of family enjoyed partying together, dance and music. You were an important part of Bob's childhood and he will miss you dearly. Our thoughts are with the family and all the wonderful memories of the years past. May you be at peace and will never be forgotten. All our love Bob, Helen, Ciara, (Billy) and Ryan Pentney

Nicole Proulx

Mes plus sincères condoléances a la famille et en particulier à Michel!